Ripple Creative Placemaking
Our Ripple Creative Placemaking program is inspired by the Irrigate program in St. Paul. We offer workshops on creative placemaking to local artists and then invite them to apply for a $1000 mini grant to fund a project where they partner with a local business. Projects are intended to attract new patrons to the business and to give exposure to the artist while enhancing the sense of place.
Placemaking Murals
Murals are often about more than adding color and vibrancy to an area (though of course they do). What we have found is that depending on the location, the content, and the artists involved, murals can be a powerful tool for placemaking efforts. Whether it’s a group of students putting up a mural by their school’s nearest light rail station, four artists sharing a wall at their local convenience store and entrance to their neighborhood, or a set of murals highlighting the historic neon signage of the past, murals have proven to be a way to celebrate the people, the values, and the culture of a space.