Strengthening Neighborhood Connections
NEDCO is a catalyst for reinvestment in low and moderate income areas. NEDCO works with residents in neighborhoods to strengthen their connections with their businesses, neighbors and their municipality. We also preserve and support new, quality affordable housing that has been proven to bring reinvestment to communities, as well as adaptive reuse, quality infill, and other responsible development. Communities that have strong connections are more resilient.
Here are examples of our work in this area:
Transit Oriented Development Guidebook
Developed by NEDCO, St. Luke’s Health Initiatives, The Elemental Group, and Chalk Design, this booklet is an easy to read, approachable guide to understanding how to evaluate Transit Oriented Development in your community, and the questions to ask developers looking to build to your community. Click Here
Liaison with Developers
Quality development comes through an exchange between residents and developers to ensure that both the community and the development gets what they need. If you are a developer interested in working in the light rail corridor of Mesa or Apache in Tempe, please contact David Crummey
Mesa Artspace Lofts

NEDCO is working to develop live/work affordable artist housing in downtown Mesa, partnering with the City of Mesa Arts and Culture department and the national leader in non-profit artist housing, Artspace Projects. Click Here
International Existing Building Code Assessment
NEDCO has partnered with the City of Mesa and downtown Mesa property owners to conduct, at no charge to the property or business owner, an International Existing Building Code (IEBC) analysis of any qualifying property in downtown Mesa. The analysis will create a report that will outline steps a building owner or tenant could take to change the occupancy of their building. The goal is to reduce any uncertainty to the owner/current/potential user if they want to change the allowed uses.
When the City of Mesa was updating their general plan, NEDCO worked to educate the community on what it meant and helped the City engage the community and solicit input for the new General Plan. Click Here
City of Mesa Consolidated Plan Education
With support from Enterprise Community Partners and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), NEDCO led community outreach and policy analysis to inform and support the update of the City of Mesa’s 5-year Consolidated Plan (ConPlan). Because of our work, the ConPlan reflected a much larger voice of the community, increasing citizen engagement by more than 150%. Click Here